How do I upload notes and articles?

First off, this site is managed by members only, ie.: to upload any material, you must be an enlisted member. Following that, you will most likely have been invited to be a site editor. You will not have administrative rights (ie:- cannot modify site layout), but can change content (ie:- images, documents, links). All articles should go to the 'Archive' page.

Are there any rules to follow as a member?

There are no exact or strict rules established for members, save one:  

Members must not interfere with each other's uploads and content (ie.:- altering another member's profile page, deleting or modifying their content without their knowledge, etc.). Upon doing so, if a complaint is made to the administrator and no one confesses to the mischief, the administrator can revoke all editor rights to members, and all uploads to the site can be made through the administrator alone.